Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Kicking ass with American Jesus!

I love Mark Millar's work though i didnt really enjoy the mediocre mess that was Wanted the movie. but i absatively enjoyed the original comic version and his use of super heroes. too bad, hollywood had to cater to a bunch of mindless-knownothings-mainstream-audiences. ah well, if you have been keepin up with Millar news, Kick Ass is set to come out sometime this year (or maybe the next, cos sg is sloooowww) and is directed by Matthew Vaugn (of Neil Gaiman's Stardust movie adaptation fame) and stars Aaron Johnson (Angus, thongs and perfect snogging) as the title character and more interestingly, Christopher Mintz-Plasse (of McLovin fame) as the Red Mist.

theres no trailer. theres a couple of photos for this. and thats it. so i m really predicting that this will prolly reach singapore early next year. but then again, you never know.

the story is not completed and thus, the trade is not available at kinokuniya for those of you whom immediately ctrl + t -> bookmarks ->Kinokuniya. the series is drawn by the awesome J R Jr and is selling decently for single issues at your favourite comic stores. for me, i m a trade kinda guy and refuse to give in to temptation.. for now..

(click to read the small text) Kick Ass first meeting with Red Mist, too bad the costume aint the same

speaking of temptation,

well, anyways, director Matthew Vaugn (kick ass) has set to team up with Mark Millar once again to bring about another of his work to live action. American Jesus tells the tale of a kid who finds out hes jesus and its set in a modern day setting. so thats about it. anyways, the comic came out as Chosen tradepaperback published under DarkHorse in 2006. but MM decides that he should milk more out of it and has announced his plans to make Chosen the first part of a 3 story arc-her series entitled American Jesus that wil be printed under Image.

you can preiew the first issue of Chosen over at Newsrama, and it seems interesting enough. though the 1st issue is a little vague. but dont take my word and judge for yourself.

the second mini series is due out this fall entitled, the Ressurection.

and Millar's proposed Superman Movie Trilogy which deals with Kal-El's birth to him losing his powers (boy, got you excited right?),

is not happening.

so has Mark Millar made your favourite writers list already? are you excited for kick ass? or can you relate to having your ass kicked?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

X men Origins: spoiling it for you

i wasnt too keen on this movie, cos its Fox owned (fox are the arseholes who almost ruined it for the watchmen). but not only that, cos i also wasnt too impressed with the entire x-men franchise. and the trailers looks an awfully mish mash of the marvel universe. cameos here and there. and cyclops has no business in being wolverine's origin. bah! anyways, the spoilers here also clarifies the whole deadpool mess, if u have been updating yourself.

well, here you go, i lifted it from filmschoolrejects.


* The leak is very enthusiastic about the movie, loved the action and the fight sequences, and said it was full of tons of really cool “Oh Shit” moments.
* There is the possibility that this is all made up, but considering how closely it matches what we’ve figured out, it seems dead on.
* Because these spoilers are so, well, spoilerific, I’ve changed the text on the big ones. Highlight it to read if you want, but these are MAJOR story points, though many of them won’t be surprising to fans of the comic.


Deadpool - What’s Up?

* Ryan Reynolds plays Wade Wilson, the “comic-relief” of the team. On missions, he is a constant smart-ass, true to the character, and is constantly being told to “Shut up” by members of the team.
* Wade Wilson clashes almost immediately with both Logan and Sabretooth, to the point where they almost come to blows leading to Wilson drawing his swords.
* Spoiler: Stryker is creating the ultimate mutant hunter, Deadpool, to hunt and kill mutants, whom he blames for his wife’s murder. That mutant is Wade Wilson, who is given the optic blasts, healing power, retractable swords from his wrists, and the ability to teleport. This version of Deadpool is played by Scott Adkins, and he looks all warped and not like Ryan Reynolds because he is pulled out of the process early, before the transformation is complete, because Stryker needs to send him after Wolverine. Apparently Wolverine refers to this supermutant by the name “Wade” when telling him that, because his mouth is melded shut, someone finally managed to shut him up.

After the Credits

* What happens isn’t revealed, but there is something after the credits roll.

Story Spoilers

* As seen in the trailers and clips, Wolverine’s discovery of his mutant powers results in the death of his father, forcing him and his brother to flee.
* The story moves ahead to Vietnam, where Logan and Victor are members of a special forces unit made up mutants who do dirty work, something Victor excels at and embraces, distancing himself from Logan.
* Logan draws the line at killing civilians and walks away from the group, moving to Canada to be with Silver Fox.
* As revealed in the trailers, Sabretooth is sent to kill Silver Fox, which drives Wolverine into a rage. Since they have similar powers, it’s seemingly impossible for one to kill the other, so Logan volunteers for Weapon X, hoping to gain an edge to be able to finally kill Victor.
* Stryker is collecting mutants and keeping them prisoner, intent on taking their DNA to create his ultimate Hunter, Deadpool.
* Beak is killed by Sabretooth.
* When Wolverine finds out about Stryker’s imprisoning of the mutants, he sets out to free them but is told by Wraith (Will.i.am) that only one person knows where the facility is - Gambit, the only mutant to ever escape.
* Gambit takes Wolverine via plane (apparently he has a plane and is a pilot) to Three Mile Island, underneath of which is presumably the secret prison.
* Silver Fox is revealed to be alive, a plant to keep tabs on Wolverine. Her death was faked to send him into a rage to get him to volunteer for the Weapon X program. She betrayed him to protect her sister, a “diamond skinned” mutant who could be Emma Frost, aka the White Queen.
* Wolverine frees the mutants below the reactor and Deadpool is rushed out of his treatment early to fight Wolverine. The fight moves to the top of the reactors and Deadpool goes nuts, basically destroying everything around him. Sabretooth joins in the fight on Wolverine’s side because he wants to be the one to kill Wolverine himself. Deadpool gets his head cut off and a la Darth Maul is sent tumbling down into the reactor. Sabretooth and Wolverine separate, with Victor promising that they’re still enemies.
* Stryker then uses a “magic bullet” which is believed to be an adamantium bullet that strikes Wolverine’s skull with such force that it rocks his brain, causing his memory loss. Gambit rescues the amnesiac Wolverine from the facility.
* The freed mutants are seen running through the woods to freedom where they meet a bald headed mutant who’s voice is that of Patrick Stewart - Professor X.

ooo.. thats it. and still sounds pretty shitty to me. will just be catching it cos of the jazzy tittle. tra la la..
please note: it could all be fake. nothings for certain till the movie comes round the mountain.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Movie Review: Goed to DMC

Detroit Metal City

i guess we can again use what we learnt from deathnote, the manga is always better than the anime which is better than the movie. so if u have either read the manga or watched the anime, time to lower some standards. anyways, you should just watch this without having any standards. and you ll have a fun time.

Detroit Metal City (whose name is based on KISS's detroit rock city), is story of shy kid, Negishi, a pop singer wannabe leading a double life as lead black metal singer, johannes krauser in the Black Metal Band, DMC! he hates what he has become. but yet DMC rises to fame as tokyo's powerhouse in the music industry.

the story is a little predictable. but funny dialog and live action impersonation of anime stereotypes are hilarious. Krauser's songs are a must have and shall be on my itunes soon enough. the acting is a solid A and Ken'ichi Matsuyama does an incredible job potraying BOTH Krauser and Negishi. gene simmons makes an appearance as jack ill dark and it's AWESOME to see him on the big screen, though he does not do the flicking tongue! aww....

DMC, Jack Ill Dark, Aikawa, Crazy Bitch Boss

things i didnt like: the bands lack of interaction. the short run time. only golden village is showing it (and stupid west mall). and the phrase "no music. no dream". fuck that!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Soundwave for revenge of the fallen

Micheal Bay has finally decided to let Frank Welker in on his gig. Welker did the voice for good ol megatron in the 80's cartoon series and his voice, along with Peter Cullen's who did Optimus Prime, were immediately classics for the Transformers following. though Cullen got the role as prime in 07's Transformers, Hugo Weaving (V in V for vendetta, Agent Smith in the Matrix) did the voice for megatron and will continue to do so in revenge of the fallen.

however, Welker will be voicing Soundwave. though not that big a badass as megatron, Welker also did voice Soundwave back in the cartoon series. PLUS soundwave will be one of the cooler robots in T2 as he has a partner (raise eyebrows) in the form of Ravage, the one eyed black panther!

i love the transformers that have their own pets. i think its adorable! i have a cat too. pity it doesnt change to a missle.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Is it that hard to Fathom DC's latest project for 2010?

now that we re post-watchmen, its time to look forward to up and coming..

DC's Jonah Hex slated for a 6 August 10 release. with josh brolin as the western hero lead. production is set to begin next month.
also coming along for the ride is Transformer babe, Megan Fox who will be playing Leila, the gun-slinging love interest of Hex.

i m not sure about this Leila person. cant find a scrap of info on her. so heres a pic of megan fox to drool over.

and moving on, Megan Fox is also set for Top Cow's and Micheal Turner's Fathom, of which she has been casted as the main character, Aspen. Aspen discovers she is a member of a race of aquatic humanoids who possess the ability to control water. that one is slated for 2011. i dont know much about that film cos imdb is being selfish and only shares info with its pro users! BAH!

so apart from the black hair, any other similarities?

Turner will be credited as exec producer. and that is that.

trailer watch: prepare for salvation

i bet the last you saw of terminator salvation was in the wide screen comfort of the cinema before the screening of the watchmen. well, BAH! wait till you get a load of this! this is the watchmen of all terminator trailers. the only one to give me the willies towards the end. so take a gander a the trailer below and get ready for erecting hairs.

wolverine, terminator and transformers are all gearing up for the summer's release. but i m betting my monopoly money on terminator to be the grittiest and possibly the best summer blockbuster this year.

Movie Review: Blue Harvest for a blue monday

Blue Harvest is the fake title for Star Wars VI when it was in production. and Family Guy used the infamous title as a nod to all star wars fan. although this is merely a longish episode, it has its own dvd and bonus features. so i guess it warrants as a movie.

it tells the tale of Luke (played by Chris) meeting up with Han Solo (played by Peter) to rescue Leia (played by Lois) from darth vader (played by stewie). jokes are in abundance. and theres never a dull moment including the legendary lightsaber erection.

the force is weak!

for "family guy vs american dad" nazis, theres even a guest appearance by ROGER! this was where he prolly was before getting captured by area 51.

the cgi used and the level of detail was incredible and all the 3d work was awesome and the fact that the original score was used was incredibly awesome. and i definitely need to work on my vocabulary.

things i didnt like: the fact that yoda couldnt get thrown in somewhere. chewbrian really didnt play an active role. its short time span.

who would like it: star wars fans, aliens and george lucas.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Moldy ass comics: Ironwood

before there were fables...

there was ironwood. try getting this anywhere in singapore. its hard as hell! Ironwood is bill willingham's 1991's 11-issue worth of personal work before he got famous for his Fables series. and its also an eros comix comic! and yes, eros does stand for erotic, hence the exclamation mark.

so, i got the single issue set, but they also come in the collected trades

Ironwood tells the tale of dave dragavon, a dragon in human form cos dragons have to take the shape of whatever species their mother is cos their fathers are into bestiality. and he has to stay that way till he matures and breathe fire, sprout wings, and all that jazz. he is hired by a hot babe to be a guide to locate a wizard and thats when the fun begins.

Unlike fables, its all taking place in some foresty area called ironwood, the name probably wasnt to suggest the strong lumber in those parts. and it has a great captivating story before i dunno what happened and the issues got published later and later till willingham prolly did the entire ending while taking a crap. but at least, he finished the story and gave it a not too bad send off.

there was also the mix up of covers on issue 8. which had the cover for a later issue and hence was a spoiler. so willingham did a bit of a rant on issue 9 which was kinda hilarious cos no1 noticed or cared about the misleading cover. and he redid the ending to not include a snake getting fucked with a pole belonging to a four armed woman.

and issue 9 had two covers. one for issue 8 too. isnt willingham a gem?! thinking of his faithful wankers.

left for issue 9 and right rightfully for issue 8

the art was fairly consistent until the last issue where the female creatures all looked like frank miller's Delia aka "Blue Eyes" did the nasty one too many!

i guess it was a great stepping stone to Fables and i look forward to finding willingham's other work, Elementals! i give the Ironwood series

FCBD 09: a new site is born

is just around the corner and they have recently just added a new site on the web. its blue shade is to stereotype that comics are for for boys and girls should stick to dollies.

anyways, they have a list of this years free comics given from different publishings. theres a doomsday clock to the inevitable event. and a comic shop locater too!

i wonder wheres the nearest store in singapore
Picture 1

so bring your freinds and rape this store of their goodies!

theres a even little section to intro your non-comic-reading friends to comics. so dont forget to put in a little effort in bringing them over the dark side.

and heres my top five pick i ll be looking forward to:

DC's Blackest Night

oooo.. 7 different types of lantern rings and a stick! maybe this will explain how the stick came to be.

Marvel's The Avengers

Thor. New Avengers. Dark Avengers. Dope!

DC's DC Kids Mega Sampler

its for my little sisters! its really not for me. really!

Archie Comics' Sonic The Hedgehog: Evolution of a hero

i used to collect the blue dude's adventures growing up and i look forward to see what FCBD got to give to the blue blur.

Mirage Studio's TMNT #1 25TH Anniversary Reprint

Cos TMNT rocks. turtle power dude!

Comics i read this week!: March 22

From the library to unsuspecting book stores, and basically anywhere i can hitch a read, these are the comics fortunate enough to be read this week:

Flash: The Fastest Man Alive - Full Throttle

the 1 where bart allen meets the black flash, and we welcome our beloved wally west, linda park, and their teenaged newborns.
a dry read mostly and i m amongst the crowd who is finally glad to be rid of the impulsive bart whose life is always in such a mess. the plot twist are in abundance and its the only thing of interest. that, and Daniel Acuna's art is a rose amongst thorns!

who should bother: Flash fans who are interested in seeing bart die.


Superman/Batman Vol. 1: Public Enemies

Tim Sale and Jeph Loeb. every time these two work together, i MUST read the final outcome. however, tim does just a little intro short story to the book before the main story begins. drawn by the dynamic ed mcguinness, jeph uses alot of the caption narrative to let us into the two contrasting minds of our two favorite superheroes. and it goes like that all throughout the book. however, jeph delivers an exciting tale of superman being blamed for a kryptonite rock on its way to destroy earth and sets loose DC's all stars to bring him and batman(cos batman is a nosy parker) in. It was great but just before rushing a little just way at the end.

who should bother: anyone who loves superhero teams ups. and those people who wake up on weekends to catch batman: the brave and the bold, and/or justice league unlimited.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

marvel studios get their fix

and so once again,
marvel let us down with their release dates.

read em and weep:

Marvel Studios Feature Film Pipeline
Film/Character |Prior Release Date |Current Release Date

IRON MAN 2 | May 7, 2010 | May 7, 2010

THOR | July 16, 2010 | May 20, 2011

THE FIRST AVENGER: CAPTAIN AMERICA | May 6, 2011 | July 22, 2011

THE AVENGERS | July 15, 2011 | May 4, 2012

aaannnnddddd... Sony Pictures' and Marvel Studios' "Spider-Man 4" is slated for May 6, 2011

but then again, even we dont always hit our targets.

movie review: Wonderful Wonder Woman

So i just caught Wonder Woman, the animated movie, and its an origin story again. but before you get put off over DC lack of original stories to release (afterall, we are expecting a live action WW film in the next few years), this is easily the best animated origin story by far. the art is great and i underestimated the action scenes, i mean, have u seen a cartoon where a woman cracks a dragon's head?!

story starts with Hippolyta ending a war leading to Themyscira be founded and then wonderwoman was recovered suffocating from mud and a freak lightning. a full synopsis provided by the more free-er than me folks at wikipedia.

lotsa kills and several unexpected scenes/dialog to keep the regular animation fans interested enough to keep their wangs in till the end of the movie.

and theres even a nudie scene of girlies bathing!

ah, now then you'll watch...

things me no like: lack of spinning costume change, a wee bit cliche at times and DC's trademark empty city battleground.

lesson learnt: cartoon arent just for kids anymore!

imdb currently have it at 7.1 stars and i m gonna have to agree and give it a

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What the Watchmen?

ah, yes, there was a watchmen screening in singapore for comic fans and i wasnt invited! bah! but thats alright, i think its pretty awesome for G & B Comics to hold an event like this. its stuff that dreams are made of... brings a tear to my eye..

and by now, if you didnt know, there will be FREE COMIC BOOK DAY! come the first saturday of may and G & B would proudly give away their comics for comic's sakes.

interesting to see that G & B created a Youtube Acc specially for this occasion. hopefully, more stuff is on the way. shall create one too. HAH!

and heres more shit to add to your watchmen experience:

this one has pretty good reviews. though i must say, i really dislike the voice work done. prolly be giving this guy a miss

this one i might prolly catch! also includes "Under the Hood" the autobiography short of the 1st nite owl.
read that "Under the Hood is a decent watch. so go catch this biatches!

and for the missing squid ending thing hardcore fans, this ones for you!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Scott Pilgrim contest results are in.

so i saw this a few days back and the winners were announced. it was a pretty controversial move bryan o malley did. he somehow managed not to cause an uproar by not selecting the only singaporean entry. i mean, c'mon... how cool is a throwing up lion? this is the place that batman got his damn pointy ears from, for crying out loud!

well, regardless of his choice, i m sorta pretty sore on missing out on the super duper cool stash of the obi wrap for the vol 5 SP book, a SP tee, and 2 supposed-to-be-signed-but-wasn't-posters.

my vol 5 seems so much more impotent without a manly shade of pink

the tee is badass! i freaking SP NY!

out of 137 contest entries, heres the sodding winners:

well, anyways, movie's coming out sometime next year and bookstores are finally getting their re-orders coming in. so grab a book and prepare yourself for what could be the greatest movie ever for '10. crap! the moment it becomes 2010, its seems damn retarded to call it "one-oh"! O yea, and theres that other movie about a man in iron and black guy who is playing a supposed to be white but was updated to be black dude.

so, here are some pics to jack off to while we await the movies arrival.
more can be found at the director, Edgar Wright's photoblog!

the artist and writer of the comic series himself

ooo.. casting pictures:

you have the bitch,

superman in the front,

katara from Avatar: the last Airbender,

the dude from fantastic four,

the other dude from juno,

and the girl from twilight,

filming is underway so expect greatness soon...

it might happen!

and here are your SP cubeecraft! i m having a blast with this. i just made my rorschach and usagi yojimbo cubees!