this is the best thing to come out for 2009! comics have two main sub groups: suoerheroes, and sci-fi. and if dark knight is the standard for the superhero genre. Star trek is most definitely the one for sci-fi fans.
i dont care who you are and what your preferences are. Be it a longtime trekkie, or a newbie. a star wars die hard or someone who just doesnt give a rats ass about anything to do with space and movies with the words: stars / galactica / babylon. this shit is one to catch!
awesome performances by the entire cast! there was hardly a flaw in the entire movie. i just merely found saturn to be kinda fake. but maybe thats how saturn is really supposed to look like. i mean, have you seen saturn from that angle? if you have, you probably have no idea where to draw the line between your world of unicorns and the world of ERP. basic gist of the plot is about time travel and the space-time continuum. and i too was concerned about whether i would make heads or tails of JJ's latest. but basically, you have the whole movie revolving around this so you pretty much wont get lost.
things i LOVEEEE: the details that goes into the direction, the lens flare and stuff. the cast: harold as sulu, simon pegg as the hilarious scotty. the awesome dialog. the references to the original tv series. so beautiful! i so wanna watch this again!
i caught this one over at the grand cathay over the weekend. and it was a grand experience for me and me maties. seeing the curtains part was a delicious appetizer before getting the main course.
and now we wait for transformers 2 and terminator 4.