Caught Terminator Salvation over the weekend over at the cathay. kinda pissed that i gotten the first 4th or 5th row from the front. but hey, thankfully its the grand cathay. so its big enough to ensure an enjoyable viewing. i caught the curtains parting and there was such a magical buzz in the air as the crowd was woo-ing and clapping when the curtains parted. though i may have started it. but all in all it was a wonderful atmosphere that everyone there has a wee bit of fanboy (/girl) in them by following the terminator series up to this point.
Having caught all three predecessors, and reading up as much reviews (mostly negative), and asking those who have already caught it, i must say i was well prepared going in to see this disappointment of the year. the plot was sketchy. the character development was sparse. and the details that go into the movie are all twisted up. though it maybe a sci-fi flick, it definitely ignores all manner of physics. a 233525345677-ton harvester manages to sneak its way onto an unsuspecting shack. any human punched by the same steel-crushing arm of a terminator merely has to shrug it off to run away. plus, no Moon Bloodgood's boobies.
stupid cut scene. it like so obvious that there was a gaping hole. i mean, the editting could at least replaced something in there to replace the boobies. but nooo... they decided that a gaping hole would be suitable way to make the young ones believe that no-sense artistic direction are in mainstream. and why is there a young black mute kid anyways, and why is Mrs conner expecting? why are the people so happily making like bunnies to repopulate the earth? unless there's some policy i didnt catch, i dont think feb 14 really matters all that much after judgement day.
but as i knew about all these and more before catching the film, i just put out my hand and said BAH! and proceeded to enjoy myself. the CGI was superb! all the awesome bots. the explosions. really makes u wonder if the robots are gonna switch back to their transportation mode anytime soon. its not a great film or even a good film. but its an enjoyable one if you just throw all logic aside and take everything at face value. when john conner asks u to give him a chance to delay the demise of the terminators so he can go on a suicide mission, you just DO IT! hes the fucking prophet! he knows what's best regardless how vague he may be. Arnold's face CGIed on another bodybuilder's body seemed fairly convincing and that was just one of the couple of references to the previous films. ah, it really takes you back.
the story really is so crappy. but the main reason for this being a huge disappointment, other than McG at the helm of this, is the rushed job that T4 had to go through. but it still seems highly likely that T5 will be well on its way soon. just hope it will be MUCH MUCH better than the turd that we have been waiting six years for.