check out the trailer below:
looks like the setting has a little i,robot thing going on.
well, since i heard the movie was coming out and the book was quite good for an original sci fi story, (man, i have been using this word alot). i just had to get my grubby hands on it and so i did.
turns out, it reads like WATCHMEN. theres these documentation in between the chapters (or issues). and its kinda cool. though its obvious that the idea behind the layout was from watchmen as the writers also credits watchmen to some point at the end. so it really builds up your expectations on this one. but sad to say, it was just an okay read. the pacing all rights, but it doesnt really do much for suspense. and i felt the "cut to" scenes were kinda awkward. like on a spread, there would be one scene five mins before and the next page would be five mins later. couldnt they just shifted the next scene to the next spread?
the art is not really all that detailed but thats the artist style. i like the linework. very ashley wood. but still not quite. he character designs are interesting. but the thing that bug me the most is some of the documentation has no link to the main story. so i feel kinda cheated that i spent the extra 5 mins reading 8 point text for naught.
but i guess that leads up to the next book, Surrogates, flesh and bone, due this coming july in comicbooksotres everyewhere. also published by topshelf.
basically, its a prequel to the first book. and from the preview, i guess this time it touches more on the documentations that were in the first book. ahh... so i didnt waste my time afterall.
5 page preview is over here!
nice eh.. go check out the book (plural if you intend to get the july book too) if you can. maybe it just didnt do wonders for me but hey if some people like it, maybe its me not the book. anyhow, its still an interesting read.
so i give it a