Check out Sulu having enough screen time to jump.
So the world premiere at Sydney was done and a surprise screening was done with Leonard Nimoy (original Spock, now played by Sylar) bringing the movie reel to Austin,Texas. and of cos, reviews! i, of course, am amongst the unfortunate and wasnt on site to catch either event. but online reviews have been freaking excellent! both for trekkies and trek virgins. aye, the latter would include me.
a set of Trek Wallpapers hit the web and heres the best to plaster all over your friends com when they take a leak!
i m thinking its gonna be an awesome summer. i m set to catch the movie that is set to rival Transformers in CGI. So the anticipation list has been set to Terminator, Star Trek and Transformers, in that order.
Notice how the three clawed mutant didnt make the cut?