* OPTIMUS PRIME: The Autobots’ leader - alternate form: Peterbilt truck.
* IRONHIDE: Weapons specialist - GMC Topkick.
* RATCHET: Medic - Hummer H2.
* BUMBLEBEE: Friend and mode of transportation for Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) - 2010 Chevorlet Camaro.
* ARCEE: A female Autobot - Megan Fox’s hot-pink motorcycle.
* JETFIRE: As in the original, this fighter plane crash-landed on Earth a long time ago, and he will become a reformed Decepticon now fighting for the humans. His alternate form is the SR-71 Blackbird, the outdated but still-sleek Cold War spy plane.
* JOLT: the original toy was a Decepticon, but in the movie he’s a good guy - Chevrolet Volt plug-in hybrid.
* SKID & MUDFLAP: a.k.a. “The Twins” - Chevrolet Beat and Trax concept cars.
* SIDESWIPE: A candy-apple red Lamborghini in the original, joins the cast this time as General Motor’s silver Corvette Stingray concept car.
* STARSCREAM: Formerly Megatron’s second in command, he escaped at the end of the first movie; F-22 Raptor jet.
* SCORPONOK: The mechanical scorpion that attacked the American troops in the desert.
* THE FALLEN: an ancient robot, sort of the Transformers’ version of Lucifer. He’s one of the original robot aliens, and his defiance and arrogance led to his banishment into another dimension. The screenwriters say that The Fallen holds the key to life on both Earth and Cybertron, the Transformers’ home planet.
* SIDEWAYS: The Audi R8 seen crashing through a building in the trailer.
* SOUNDWAVE: A cassette player in the original toys; his alternate mode will fly. According to the screenwriters, this evil communications officer will appear as a orbiting space satellite.
* RAVAGE: A four-legged, cat-like robot (seen in the trailers and pictured above).
* THE DOCTOR: A spider-like droid that transforms into various implements of torture and has a not-so-nice encounter with star Shia LaBeouf.
* WHEELIE: A small, radio-controlled truck.
* DEMOLISHER: One of the Constructicons that transform into construction vehicles.
* DEVASTATOR: A giant robot formed by the Constructicons joining together; individually, they are: Scavenger, Scrapper, Hightower, Longhaul, Rampage, Overload and Mixmaster.
robots i m looking forward to:
i ve read its gonna be like a ninja fembot! how cool is that?! plus megan will be riding her. how hot is that?!
the twins:
cos they are twins! cos everyone digs twins? cos good things comes in twos? cos 1 + 1 = 2?
i have wondered what they were gonna be doing for this guy as his music player form was already used by another robot in the 1st movie. and a freaking satellite? how will that even work? gawd! its freaking awesome.
cos hes the title character. i hope they really show the character but seeing Transformers1 and this f up roster, its probable there will be a 5 min origin flashback.
cos hes devastating!
new Devastator comes in 4 different colors
The Fallen
arcee concept art and some lady