Its a controversial comic done by Grant Morrison, yes that grant morrison, and illustrated by Steve Yeowell, an oldtime partner of morrison from 2000ad days.
from watching Bryan Singer's Valkyrie to the recent watchmen/hitler clip i previously uploaded, hitler has always amused my mind. so i finally wikied the bugger and realized that his remains are now at Aquaman's home.
soooo, TNA of Adolf tells the story of young Adolf in liverpool before he went mad with power in germany. It first appeared in 1989's Cut, a scottish art mag and was an instant controversy. and when the big hoo ha finally went away, a year later, Crisis, a spin off of 2000AD, reprinted the nazi comic and controversy endured.
2000AD's crisis creating crisis in the media world while the fuhrer cycles with darth vaders hat
a collected edition was mentioned by Grant Morrison but nothing happened and Reprint this! has a good idea on how the collected edition should be like, including interviews and what nots. but i m just fine with the main story. it looks like a good solid humor read. and people always mention grant morrison was so much better in the 80s.
isnt that such a waste. i would totally get a copy of this if this came out. anyone who has the original copies of cut and/or crisis are probably waiting for grant morrison to die or something whereupon the value would tenfold or something like that.
my best morrison work? Skrull Kill Krew! the kewl title is a good enough reason to be a favourite.