theres no trailer. theres a couple of photos for this. and thats it. so i m really predicting that this will prolly reach singapore early next year. but then again, you never know.
the story is not completed and thus, the trade is not available at kinokuniya for those of you whom immediately ctrl + t -> bookmarks ->Kinokuniya. the series is drawn by the awesome J R Jr and is selling decently for single issues at your favourite comic stores. for me, i m a trade kinda guy and refuse to give in to temptation.. for now..
(click to read the small text) Kick Ass first meeting with Red Mist, too bad the costume aint the same
speaking of temptation,
well, anyways, director Matthew Vaugn (kick ass) has set to team up with Mark Millar once again to bring about another of his work to live action. American Jesus tells the tale of a kid who finds out hes jesus and its set in a modern day setting. so thats about it. anyways, the comic came out as Chosen tradepaperback published under DarkHorse in 2006. but MM decides that he should milk more out of it and has announced his plans to make Chosen the first part of a 3 story arc-her series entitled American Jesus that wil be printed under Image.
you can preiew the first issue of Chosen over at Newsrama, and it seems interesting enough. though the 1st issue is a little vague. but dont take my word and judge for yourself.
the second mini series is due out this fall entitled, the Ressurection.
and Millar's proposed Superman Movie Trilogy which deals with Kal-El's birth to him losing his powers (boy, got you excited right?),
is not happening.
so has Mark Millar made your favourite writers list already? are you excited for kick ass? or can you relate to having your ass kicked?