So i just caught Wonder Woman, the animated movie, and its an origin story again. but before you get put off over DC lack of original stories to release (afterall, we are expecting a live action WW film in the next few years), this is easily the best animated origin story by far. the art is great and i underestimated the action scenes, i mean, have u seen a cartoon where a woman cracks a dragon's head?!
story starts with Hippolyta ending a war leading to Themyscira be founded and then wonderwoman was recovered suffocating from mud and a freak lightning. a full synopsis provided by the more free-er than me folks at wikipedia.
lotsa kills and several unexpected scenes/dialog to keep the regular animation fans interested enough to keep their wangs in till the end of the movie.
and theres even a nudie scene of girlies bathing!
ah, now then you'll watch...
things me no like: lack of spinning costume change, a wee bit cliche at times and DC's trademark empty city battleground.
lesson learnt: cartoon arent just for kids anymore!
imdb currently have it at 7.1 stars and i m gonna have to agree and give it a