Sunday, March 22, 2009

Moldy ass comics: Ironwood

before there were fables...

there was ironwood. try getting this anywhere in singapore. its hard as hell! Ironwood is bill willingham's 1991's 11-issue worth of personal work before he got famous for his Fables series. and its also an eros comix comic! and yes, eros does stand for erotic, hence the exclamation mark.

so, i got the single issue set, but they also come in the collected trades

Ironwood tells the tale of dave dragavon, a dragon in human form cos dragons have to take the shape of whatever species their mother is cos their fathers are into bestiality. and he has to stay that way till he matures and breathe fire, sprout wings, and all that jazz. he is hired by a hot babe to be a guide to locate a wizard and thats when the fun begins.

Unlike fables, its all taking place in some foresty area called ironwood, the name probably wasnt to suggest the strong lumber in those parts. and it has a great captivating story before i dunno what happened and the issues got published later and later till willingham prolly did the entire ending while taking a crap. but at least, he finished the story and gave it a not too bad send off.

there was also the mix up of covers on issue 8. which had the cover for a later issue and hence was a spoiler. so willingham did a bit of a rant on issue 9 which was kinda hilarious cos no1 noticed or cared about the misleading cover. and he redid the ending to not include a snake getting fucked with a pole belonging to a four armed woman.

and issue 9 had two covers. one for issue 8 too. isnt willingham a gem?! thinking of his faithful wankers.

left for issue 9 and right rightfully for issue 8

the art was fairly consistent until the last issue where the female creatures all looked like frank miller's Delia aka "Blue Eyes" did the nasty one too many!

i guess it was a great stepping stone to Fables and i look forward to finding willingham's other work, Elementals! i give the Ironwood series