Generations of superheroes
Like in Marvel or DC’s main universe of heroes, you have a roster of superhero groups like the Avengers or the Justice League. And sometimes, the group is disbanded or members come and go. Similarly in Watchmen, you will get to see the predecessors, the minutemen. and you can see the interaction and the role that they play in making the watchmen. Like for example, the original silk spectre made her daughter become silk spectre II. And the original nite owl was an inspiration for a younger guy with more money to become nite owl II. Having said that, I just about covered the first confusing part to the mainstream audience whom would say things like: Man Bat, Bat Man, same same la!
Split up in parts
In comic narration, flashbacks are an essential part in character development. And with Einstein discovering that time is relative, the movie really jumbles up time sequence. And as I discovered with haters, this was a strong part which led to them being confused. The movie goes back and forth to the past and present (actually its past as the movie is in an alternate reality set in 1980s) and it doesn’t make things any better when you have a nude blue guy being able to keep seeing into the future and past at the same time. So just bear this in mind before catching the film.
Its not an action film
Its not a typical BAM! WHAM! comic book movie. Its not directed by Michael Bay for gawdsakes. its stands outside the superhero world in other to comment about it. And it talks a lot about the society and how America would be like with the inclusion of costumed heroes and later on, superheroes. There’s a little bit of political setting with the government being edgy with the doomsday clock.
Its set in 1980s
So expect big hairdos and pants pulled up to the waistline to be cool! The flashback sequence will take you to the 70s and 60s. So expect to see alotta of familiar faces from pop culture! The director gives us lots of treats in the form of look-alikes.
Its superheroes with no powers
This was what kinda pissed me off the first time I read the novel. And I guess it might piss you off too. Rorschach is as cool as anything with his ever-changing blob mask. However, he didn’t shoot laser beams outta his eyes or anything. Everyone was batman. Everyone had a cool arsenal and a gimmick. But this set a realism tone that was irritating at times but yet, was set to make a point. When finally, you get a blue guy that could do shiet that was god-like. You immediately fear and respect him and don’t take those superpowers for granted. And thus, brought the age of the superhero.
and if you didnt already know, theres 12 webisode, 1 for each of the 12 months leading up to the release of the movie. and they can be found on this UK site, WATCHMEN MOVIE .
the webpisodes tells u 12 different production aspects such as, rorschach's masks, etc.
this just helps u to appreciate the movie more without spoiling it.
go to menu, video, and scroll to find webpisodes. TADA!
and of cos, go ahead and pick up a copy of the book to help complete you watchmen experience. nice nice, must try twice!
-on another note, i m gonna catch it again. stewpeed grand cathay showing dragonball evolution only! BAH! hope they lose money!