Micheal Bay has finally decided to let Frank Welker in on his gig. Welker did the voice for good ol megatron in the 80's cartoon series and his voice, along with Peter Cullen's who did Optimus Prime, were immediately classics for the Transformers following. though Cullen got the role as prime in 07's Transformers, Hugo Weaving (V in V for vendetta, Agent Smith in the Matrix) did the voice for megatron and will continue to do so in revenge of the fallen.
however, Welker will be voicing Soundwave. though not that big a badass as megatron, Welker also did voice Soundwave back in the cartoon series. PLUS soundwave will be one of the cooler robots in T2 as he has a partner (raise eyebrows) in the form of Ravage, the one eyed black panther!
i love the transformers that have their own pets. i think its adorable! i have a cat too. pity it doesnt change to a missle.