Blue Harvest is the fake title for Star Wars VI when it was in production. and Family Guy used the infamous title as a nod to all star wars fan. although this is merely a longish episode, it has its own dvd and bonus features. so i guess it warrants as a movie.
it tells the tale of Luke (played by Chris) meeting up with Han Solo (played by Peter) to rescue Leia (played by Lois) from darth vader (played by stewie). jokes are in abundance. and theres never a dull moment including the legendary lightsaber erection.
the force is weak!
for "family guy vs american dad" nazis, theres even a guest appearance by ROGER! this was where he prolly was before getting captured by area 51.
the cgi used and the level of detail was incredible and all the 3d work was awesome and the fact that the original score was used was incredibly awesome. and i definitely need to work on my vocabulary.
things i didnt like: the fact that yoda couldnt get thrown in somewhere. chewbrian really didnt play an active role. its short time span.
who would like it: star wars fans, aliens and george lucas.