Got to know bout this from Dustin Nguyen's DA
journal, here are this week's
top 10 list of graphic novels as released by new york times!
Graphic Books Best Seller List (Hardcover)
1 WATCHMEN, by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. (DC Comics, $39.99 and $75.) This epic tale from 1986 signaled a new maturity in comic books.
2 BATMAN: R.I.P., by Grant Morrison and Tony Daniel. (DC Comics, $24.99.) Thomas Wayne, the father of the caped crusader, is cast in a sinister light.
3 BATMAN: THE KILLING JOKE, by Alan Moore and Brian Bolland. (DC Comics, $17.99.) This critically acclaimed story from 1988 offers a possible origin for the Joker.
4 JOKER, by Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo. (DC Comics, $19.99.) The Joker, newly released from Arkham Asylum, deals with the rivals who have carved into his territory.
5 BATMAN: HEART OF HUSH, by Paul Dini and Dustin Nguyen. (DC Comics, $19.99.) A childhood friend of Bruce Wayne returns to plague the caped crusader anew – and Catwoman is caught in the middle.
6 THE DRESDEN FILES: WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE, by Jim Butcher and Ardian Syaf. (Random House, $19.95.) This comic book collection is a prequel to the Dresden Files series of novels, which are part fantasy and part noir.
7 MARVEL ZOMBIES 3, by Fred Van Lente and Kev Walker. (Marvel Entertainment, $19.99.) Zombie-versions of the Marvel heroes encounter their non-flesh-eating counterparts.
8 CIVIL WAR, by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven. (Marvel Entertainment, $39.99.) A government registration act pits the heroes of the Marvel heroes against each other.
9 ALL-STAR SUPERMAN, VOL. 2, by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely. (DC Comics, $19.99.) These stories, free of the barnacles of continuity, include an encounter with Zibarro, the only sane resident of the Bizarro world.
10 SAGA OF SWAMP THING: BOOK 1, by Steve R. Bissette and Alan Moore. (Vertigo, $24.99.) The inspired reinvention of the classic horror character gets a new printing.

Watchmen managed to soar to no1 and leaves dusts in
batman:RIP's eyes. Its just a pity that the artistic wonder and decent tale,
Batman: the heart of hush, is making its descent.

Glad to see the
SAGA OF THE SWAMP THING making it to the top 10. its a much overlooked classic. i might pick this up just to FINALLY read up on the 1st volume of the trade series.

i wanna read
marvel zombies 3! heard nothing but praise. and it looks good though its a pity that the series differs a little from the orignal 1 and 2.

and why is
Civil war suddenly even on this week's list? Its such a freaky coincidence that i just got my copy just last week too.
what a difference a consumer makesss. 30++ little dollars.... (i got the huge book with the script and what not as a gift. awesome!) my friend got me the book at Kinokuniya in Singapore. but still, somehow, it makes a difference. dont ask why.
Graphic Books Best Seller List (Paperback)
1 WATCHMEN, by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. (DC Comics, $19.99.) This epic tale from 1986 signaled a new maturity in comic books.
2 STAR TREK: COUNTDOWN, by J.J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman and Robert Orci. (IDW, $17.99.) This prequel to the “Star Trek” reboot will reveal the backstory of Nero, the new film’s villain.
3 A DRIFTING LIFE, by Yoshihiro Tatsumi. (Drawn & Quarterly, $29.95.) This 840-page memoir chronicles family troubles and the evolution of manga from 1945 to 1960.
4 WOLVERINE: ORIGIN, by Paul Jenkins and Andy Kubert. (Marvel Comics, $16.99.) Revealed at last: the secret history of the mutant known as Wolverine.
5 V FOR VENDETTA, by Alan Moore, K. C. Carlson and David Lloyd. (DC Comics, $19.99.) A vigilante tries to free London in a world where Germany won World War II.
6 WALKING DEAD, VOL. 9, by Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard. (Image Comics, $14.99.) The gripping story of the human survivors in a world overrun by zombies continues.
7 BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, by Frank Miller. (DC Comics, $14.99.) Another classic from 1986: The caped crusader comes out of retirement to save Gotham City from a depraved street gang that are more monsters than man.
8 SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE UNIVERSE, by Bryan Lee O’Malley. (Oni Press, $11.95.) Can Ramona’s twin ex-boyfriends be defeated? Sounds like a job for… Scott Pilgrim.
9 BATMAN: THE LONG HALLOWEEN, by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale. (DC Comics,$19.99.) This compelling mystery, set early in the Caped Crusader’s career, has mobsters, the sad downfall of Harvey Dent (Two Face) and a new foe: Holiday.
10 WOLVERINE: WEAPON X, by Barry Windsor-Smith. (Marvel Entertainment, $16.99.) This story, from 1991, delved into the mysterious origin of the fan-favorite mutant.
WATCHMEN AGAIN? this bugger is really something. and i still have not caught the black freighter. shall parasitically await my friend to get their hands on it! its currently 7.3 on imdb. so it shouldnt be sucky!

IDW published,
Star trek: countdown, is out at the comic store i visited! crap! cant wait to get my hands on this. mostly good reveiws for this except for some critics claiming the aliens (i know nuts bout this shit) to be out of character. if i m not wrong, i think its the one called spocky.
heres the comic's interpretation of eric bana's character, Nebo's bastard son, Nero!

Scott pilgrim is in the TOP 8 so get your copy of the entire series! it will fulfill your sad life reading Comic Book Rejects.
this weeks list also contains a link that brings us to IDW's preview of Darwyn cooke's latest project : the hunter. needless to say, Darwyn is one of my favourite writers and illustrators. though i must admit that i got on the bandwagon after the new frontier. but cutting the chit chat, heres the awesome

i will be getting this when it launches but no harm treating my eyes to some visual splendor. Cooke has been a decent storyteller and not only his art but also his graphic designs have always amazed me. and his specialized 80's art style really gives this book a classic feel. i m so anticipating this! dont forget to get your copy when it hits stores in july! BOOYA!