Thursday, June 18, 2009
Crappy A Reborn
cap is getting reborn. and he's getting the same writers who killed him off, to write his tale. and its so retarded, cos batman is getting his reborn storyline, and cap is supposed to measure up to that? like seriously? cap sales has always been such a low low figure. and marvel really doesnt have anything better to do than to place steve rogers in a losing reborn match against batman?
and i got my grant morrison, frank quitely, batman and robin, so you know who im supporting. ( but i still hate most of GM's tales, including FCrisis!)
g and b even have pre sales for cap. and i just think that the hype is totally not worth it. its been a few years and i barely even notice he's gone. anyways, you can judge for yourself with the crappy trailer above.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
jonah hex and his transformer!
so i m guessing that after her robot flick, megan fox will do a little transforming in between sexy slut and angelic saint in jonah hex. (sort of like the tudung transformers we have here.)

josh brolin plays hex. and he looks too nice of a guy still. i kinda wished that they could get someone to fill the thomas jane look:
josh brolin plays hex. and he looks too nice of a guy still. i kinda wished that they could get someone to fill the thomas jane look:
iron man 2 and Marvel's Movies!
at least, with iron monger, you knew that there would be a hell of a fight scene even if it was with an elderly man. but cmon, with this first look at whiplash armour, he's so gonna get owned by iron man, i guess that justifies the need for more baddies/cast like, black widow, justin hammer, bla bla, hawkeye.
heres the posters for upcoming marvel flicks.
like the addition of assembling before the date on the avengers poster. its the details that gets to me. and the iron man poster is kinda stupid with just an additional 2 behind. i could ahve done it if i got the soft copy for the the 1st movie's poster. Bah!
Green Lantern: First look at First Flight
heard about this movie back when i was reading up stuff on the wonder woman animated movie. and i ve only website is and of course, the glorious trailer that shows us of things to come.
the trailer shows us two things: HalJor will be shown the oan way. with the entire corps and stuff. and the live action film, will prolly be the same thing you are seeing in 2d come july.
i hope if they intend to stretch the franchise, that for the live action film, they dont immediately show the guardians and the aliens till prehaps the last bit, sort of like, how nick fury was in iron man. then they can further build that up come GL2: the sinestro war. but thats just me.
till then, heres your the so-so movie trailer that i m hoping to be good and not like superman: doomsday.
Posted by
9:30 PM
Green Lantern: First look at First Flight
animated|green lantern|green lantern: first flight|trailer|

green lantern,
green lantern: first flight,
Monday, June 1, 2009
Surrogates: the movie, the book, the prequel
theres so much things going on for this book. first off, i just realized that the movie is out this sept 25th. so mark your calenders geeky boy, u. and it stars bruce willis as the lead, playing a detective whose job is to investigate who wanna rid the world of the surrogates, the androids created for us, lazy humans day to day interaction without leaving home.
check out the trailer below:
looks like the setting has a little i,robot thing going on.
well, since i heard the movie was coming out and the book was quite good for an original sci fi story, (man, i have been using this word alot). i just had to get my grubby hands on it and so i did.

turns out, it reads like WATCHMEN. theres these documentation in between the chapters (or issues). and its kinda cool. though its obvious that the idea behind the layout was from watchmen as the writers also credits watchmen to some point at the end. so it really builds up your expectations on this one. but sad to say, it was just an okay read. the pacing all rights, but it doesnt really do much for suspense. and i felt the "cut to" scenes were kinda awkward. like on a spread, there would be one scene five mins before and the next page would be five mins later. couldnt they just shifted the next scene to the next spread?
the art is not really all that detailed but thats the artist style. i like the linework. very ashley wood. but still not quite. he character designs are interesting. but the thing that bug me the most is some of the documentation has no link to the main story. so i feel kinda cheated that i spent the extra 5 mins reading 8 point text for naught.
but i guess that leads up to the next book, Surrogates, flesh and bone, due this coming july in comicbooksotres everyewhere. also published by topshelf.

basically, its a prequel to the first book. and from the preview, i guess this time it touches more on the documentations that were in the first book. ahh... so i didnt waste my time afterall.
5 page preview is over here!

nice eh.. go check out the book (plural if you intend to get the july book too) if you can. maybe it just didnt do wonders for me but hey if some people like it, maybe its me not the book. anyhow, its still an interesting read.
so i give it a
check out the trailer below:
looks like the setting has a little i,robot thing going on.
well, since i heard the movie was coming out and the book was quite good for an original sci fi story, (man, i have been using this word alot). i just had to get my grubby hands on it and so i did.
turns out, it reads like WATCHMEN. theres these documentation in between the chapters (or issues). and its kinda cool. though its obvious that the idea behind the layout was from watchmen as the writers also credits watchmen to some point at the end. so it really builds up your expectations on this one. but sad to say, it was just an okay read. the pacing all rights, but it doesnt really do much for suspense. and i felt the "cut to" scenes were kinda awkward. like on a spread, there would be one scene five mins before and the next page would be five mins later. couldnt they just shifted the next scene to the next spread?
the art is not really all that detailed but thats the artist style. i like the linework. very ashley wood. but still not quite. he character designs are interesting. but the thing that bug me the most is some of the documentation has no link to the main story. so i feel kinda cheated that i spent the extra 5 mins reading 8 point text for naught.
but i guess that leads up to the next book, Surrogates, flesh and bone, due this coming july in comicbooksotres everyewhere. also published by topshelf.
basically, its a prequel to the first book. and from the preview, i guess this time it touches more on the documentations that were in the first book. ahh... so i didnt waste my time afterall.
5 page preview is over here!
nice eh.. go check out the book (plural if you intend to get the july book too) if you can. maybe it just didnt do wonders for me but hey if some people like it, maybe its me not the book. anyhow, its still an interesting read.
so i give it a
Posted by
1:25 AM
Surrogates: the movie, the book, the prequel
Brett Weldele|bruce willis|comic review|Robert Venditti|surrogates|trailer|

Brett Weldele,
bruce willis,
comic review,
Robert Venditti,
Movie Review: Failure to Terminate
Caught Terminator Salvation over the weekend over at the cathay. kinda pissed that i gotten the first 4th or 5th row from the front. but hey, thankfully its the grand cathay. so its big enough to ensure an enjoyable viewing. i caught the curtains parting and there was such a magical buzz in the air as the crowd was woo-ing and clapping when the curtains parted. though i may have started it. but all in all it was a wonderful atmosphere that everyone there has a wee bit of fanboy (/girl) in them by following the terminator series up to this point.
Having caught all three predecessors, and reading up as much reviews (mostly negative), and asking those who have already caught it, i must say i was well prepared going in to see this disappointment of the year. the plot was sketchy. the character development was sparse. and the details that go into the movie are all twisted up. though it maybe a sci-fi flick, it definitely ignores all manner of physics. a 233525345677-ton harvester manages to sneak its way onto an unsuspecting shack. any human punched by the same steel-crushing arm of a terminator merely has to shrug it off to run away. plus, no Moon Bloodgood's boobies.
stupid cut scene. it like so obvious that there was a gaping hole. i mean, the editting could at least replaced something in there to replace the boobies. but nooo... they decided that a gaping hole would be suitable way to make the young ones believe that no-sense artistic direction are in mainstream. and why is there a young black mute kid anyways, and why is Mrs conner expecting? why are the people so happily making like bunnies to repopulate the earth? unless there's some policy i didnt catch, i dont think feb 14 really matters all that much after judgement day.
but as i knew about all these and more before catching the film, i just put out my hand and said BAH! and proceeded to enjoy myself. the CGI was superb! all the awesome bots. the explosions. really makes u wonder if the robots are gonna switch back to their transportation mode anytime soon. its not a great film or even a good film. but its an enjoyable one if you just throw all logic aside and take everything at face value. when john conner asks u to give him a chance to delay the demise of the terminators so he can go on a suicide mission, you just DO IT! hes the fucking prophet! he knows what's best regardless how vague he may be. Arnold's face CGIed on another bodybuilder's body seemed fairly convincing and that was just one of the couple of references to the previous films. ah, it really takes you back.
the story really is so crappy. but the main reason for this being a huge disappointment, other than McG at the helm of this, is the rushed job that T4 had to go through. but it still seems highly likely that T5 will be well on its way soon. just hope it will be MUCH MUCH better than the turd that we have been waiting six years for.
Posted by
12:37 AM
Movie Review: Failure to Terminate
McG|terminator|terminator salvation|

terminator salvation
Thursday, May 28, 2009
transformers 2: TV spots and new bot!
and i made a rhyme on the headline there. well, three tv spots to show just how awesome Transformers 2 is gonna be. more footage of robots. more explosions. more transforming. no bitchslapping optimus prime. maybe from the previous two trailers, he will only just be tossed around twice. well, i guess, thats a good record as any for a robotic leader.
"In Transformers lore, Sideways is a gleeful troublemaker, for whom chaos is its own reward. His every action misleads and deceives, be it for his own twisted amusement, or for whatever deeper agenda he may be working towards. In truth, this cunning and deadly warrior is an agent of the chaos-bringer, Unicron, and is charged with the task of appearing as both Autobot and Decepticon in order to cause confusion amongst both factions and prevent them from allying together against his planet-eating master.
In Revenge of the Fallen, Sideways will appear as an Audi R8. His role in the story is still not completely known, but the first trailer showed him being chased through a building wall by various Autobots, so the potential for some double-agent action is still out there. Have a look at his robot mode below, courtesy of Michael Bay."

i love quotation marks. it gives me so much reason to be lazy. but i just think that its time that theres the antihero robot. like the Dinobot from the Beast Wars series (the only transformers series i know and come to love.)
Transformers Revenge of the Fallen "It's On.." from Bay Films/Michael Bay Dot Com on Vimeo.
Transformers Revenge of the Fallen "Greatest Enemy" from Bay Films/Michael Bay Dot Com on Vimeo.
Transformers Revenge of the Fallen "Forms" from Bay Films/Michael Bay Dot Com on Vimeo.
"In Transformers lore, Sideways is a gleeful troublemaker, for whom chaos is its own reward. His every action misleads and deceives, be it for his own twisted amusement, or for whatever deeper agenda he may be working towards. In truth, this cunning and deadly warrior is an agent of the chaos-bringer, Unicron, and is charged with the task of appearing as both Autobot and Decepticon in order to cause confusion amongst both factions and prevent them from allying together against his planet-eating master.
In Revenge of the Fallen, Sideways will appear as an Audi R8. His role in the story is still not completely known, but the first trailer showed him being chased through a building wall by various Autobots, so the potential for some double-agent action is still out there. Have a look at his robot mode below, courtesy of Michael Bay."
i love quotation marks. it gives me so much reason to be lazy. but i just think that its time that theres the antihero robot. like the Dinobot from the Beast Wars series (the only transformers series i know and come to love.)
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
G I Joe: new trailer!
a newer longer trailer from what i posted in the comic book trailers section.
it shows what seem to be a totally cool and fun movie. i was never a fan of this and have always regard GIJoe to be lame to the max. but i guess, this movie could make me change my mind.
i kinda like the Cgi used. though it does look a little 90s. and casting wise, theres no1 i really like to see except dennis quaid. i hope he gets to kick some ass in his fat cat suit. and looks like, someone got sloppy and stole the title animation from a certain movie featuring robotic transportations.
i still find the two hopping guys to be totally rad. i wan an accelerator too!
Transformers 2: the TRAILER!
the new (okay, 2-3 weeks old) trailer. its freaking awesome and features MEGATRON!!!
megan fox is hot as ever. and i hope the picture above made u pause the video at i dunno.. 0:28 seconds? HAH! got ya!
u can again see optimus prime and sam whitwicky get their ass handed to them. so awesome. looks to have much more complicated fight scenes. hopefully, more contrast between the autobots and decepticons.
ah! comic movies of the year are coming to an end. and we are left with few options. but this looks to be better than the first one. so shall just look forward to this now that terminator's a disappointment. ah well..
GNB Comics: opening sale!
i copy and paste:
We will do US$1 for S$1 TP SALE for the first 3 days from
1st June to 3rd June
No Reservations/ No extension
We will do the TP Sale again due to popular demand as too many people wanted the DC range which was not shifted in time to the new place for FCBD 2009.
We have since restock all our TPs.
"It has been a good ten years with lots of fun and memories with you guys.
We will not want to move if we have a choice but the lease has expired and the owner ( next door) wants it back to expand their sports and music business linking a full chain from front to back.
Many people thought it was a rental issue but money was not involved in the negotiations. It was simply they want it back to expand their business.
We really had lots of fun and memories and events but it was not because of Bras Basah Complex that made us what we are today.
Its the people. Yes its you who made GnB Comics vibrant and fun.
Its you who made the trip down for our weekly shipment.
Please continue to support us in the new place as you have did in the past.
We are Very happy to host more events this year. We had a successful Watchmen Movie night and FCBD 2009.
We are really looking forward to our comic convention in August and our guests of honour Brian Bolland and Tan Eng Huat.
We will continue to hold more events so do support us.
For our area, it was either the new nearby shopping malls with smaller area and higher costs but better business or HDB with lower overheads but bigger and more cosy and we can pass on the savings to our valued members.
Plus we have the privacy and freedom to host our own events.
We decided for Rochor
Rochor Center
We decided on Rochor Center as it is very near the MRT compared to othe places. It is just next to the Rochor Exit of Bugis MRT.
Parking is ample but there are normal workday and Saturday congestions from 12-3 pm.
Traffic is normal for other times .
We are Located just outside the ERP gantry and we are happy to be able to help our customers save on the ERP charges.
Its the place where we can afford a bigger and more cosy place for our members
We hope you, especially those who came down on FCBD2009 for the preview likes it."
- - -
3 whole freaking days of 1 US for 1 SG Dollar?!?!! gawd! i freaking love this store. i m so not regretting signing up for membership on FCBD (which i shall post on another time). i m sooo gonna save up to dump all my cash on this day. be sure to drop by and grab as much things as you can, this is by far the cheapest new graphic novels can go. (that i know of anyway.)
anyways, i dig the message sent by them. so i m attaching it along with this post. all the best, G n B!
Posted by
1:50 AM
GNB Comics: opening sale!
GNB Comics|

GNB Comics
movie Review: star trek again?
i really love the details on this film. from the vibrating floor bass everytime the enterprise appears. the scene where the lady screams are drowned out in space. so beautiful. kirk's rebellious nature in getting rid of the evidence. so cool! sulu and scotty! so funny! spock's presence! so awesome! Spock is the coolest douche i'll ever know. i rightfully relieve myself of that status. i even have a spock version of me on my facebook now. so awesome.
second times the charm. i really got to listen to every word of the dialog this time. where i missed the first time, hell no m i gonna miss it the second time. caught it with my girl but i guess, it just didnt take to her. she couldnt deny the movie was awesome. the cast, the special effects, the cgi, the alternate reality creating plot. but still, she just couldnt give it the 10 stars it so rightfully deserves. all she had to offer was an average 7.8. BAH!
i ve been hearing lotsa people boycotting this film citing reasons such as its a "star" film. like seriously, its a great film. its a reboot. why should you be concerned? go out there and catch it. dont catch it if 1) you are a foreigner whose main language isnt english, 2) are cheena enough to go catch this since you are already at the cinema and its either this or fireball. and the reviews for fireball are lamer than the title.
there was this cheena dude who was like sms-ing throughout the movie. so distracting. he looked so stoned. i guess he just didnt have a freaking clue as to why space ships can suddenly disappear into the stars with a whoosh! what a prick!
caught it at cathay once more at a decent size theatre. and i cried again while watching the starting scene where the dad says i love you just before he make like a canonball and explodes into a million pieces. so sad. this film is that good.
so basically, if you havent catch this, go do so. its cinema run is dying. there was only three timeslots at cathay today. and next week will definitely be flooded with monsters vs aliens and terminator ( which reviews all suck and is such a huge disappointment for me). if you have, go catch it again if you can. its just 6 bucks on a weekday with the ever handy, NEBO card. go sign up if you havent. no linking here as its not comic related.
live long and suck it!
Posted by
1:32 AM
movie Review: star trek again?
movie review|star trek|

movie review,
star trek
Monday, May 25, 2009
STGCC 09: awesome famous people!
for this year's lineup, we have:
Gary Baseman

kooky artist. and my 1st known work from him is: Teacher's Pet!
i had no idea that this cartoon was created by him and several years after watching the loony show, i chanced upon baseman's works only to always have a voice in my head saying: dognabbit! i m sure i have seen this crap somewhere!

Joe Ledbetter

i seriously dig this guys art! its breathtaking geometric beauty is one to make mike mignola depressed. basically, i love geometrical line art. and this is just superb! therefore, me shall go and make a point to get something from him to have it signed! SWOON SWOON!!!

Tan Eng Huat

loved the linework on his silversurfer run. and thats all i know from the guy. but he's also the winner of the 2002 Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards (USA) for Russ Manning Promising Newcomer and 2002 National Comic Awards (USA) for Best New Talent. He was also nominated for the 2004 Harvey Award (USA) for The Best Penciller / Inker and 2002 Comics International Award (USA) for the Best New Talent. and he's malaysian.
Brian Bolland

the legendary artist is coming this hellish island (yes, the temperature is getting to me too). Brian Bolland of the Killing Joke and Camelot 3000 fame is gonna sign me some goodies. but i dunnno wad do i wanna get to get signed! i could get the killing joke, but i ve read it already. then i could get teh camelot 3000 deluxe edition but they say the printing quality sucks. i wouldnt mind getting him to sign his tank girl cover. but i dont have that book and the remastered edition is dunno when gonna come out. so dilemma. dilemma.
Gary Baseman
kooky artist. and my 1st known work from him is: Teacher's Pet!
i had no idea that this cartoon was created by him and several years after watching the loony show, i chanced upon baseman's works only to always have a voice in my head saying: dognabbit! i m sure i have seen this crap somewhere!
Joe Ledbetter
i seriously dig this guys art! its breathtaking geometric beauty is one to make mike mignola depressed. basically, i love geometrical line art. and this is just superb! therefore, me shall go and make a point to get something from him to have it signed! SWOON SWOON!!!
Tan Eng Huat
loved the linework on his silversurfer run. and thats all i know from the guy. but he's also the winner of the 2002 Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards (USA) for Russ Manning Promising Newcomer and 2002 National Comic Awards (USA) for Best New Talent. He was also nominated for the 2004 Harvey Award (USA) for The Best Penciller / Inker and 2002 Comics International Award (USA) for the Best New Talent. and he's malaysian.
Brian Bolland
the legendary artist is coming this hellish island (yes, the temperature is getting to me too). Brian Bolland of the Killing Joke and Camelot 3000 fame is gonna sign me some goodies. but i dunnno wad do i wanna get to get signed! i could get the killing joke, but i ve read it already. then i could get teh camelot 3000 deluxe edition but they say the printing quality sucks. i wouldnt mind getting him to sign his tank girl cover. but i dont have that book and the remastered edition is dunno when gonna come out. so dilemma. dilemma.
Posted by
9:59 PM
STGCC 09: awesome famous people!
brian bolland|gary baseman|joe ledbetter|STGCC|STGCC 09|tan eng huat|

brian bolland,
gary baseman,
joe ledbetter,
tan eng huat
Thursday, May 14, 2009
movie Review: trekking the stars and beyond
this is the best thing to come out for 2009! comics have two main sub groups: suoerheroes, and sci-fi. and if dark knight is the standard for the superhero genre. Star trek is most definitely the one for sci-fi fans.
i dont care who you are and what your preferences are. Be it a longtime trekkie, or a newbie. a star wars die hard or someone who just doesnt give a rats ass about anything to do with space and movies with the words: stars / galactica / babylon. this shit is one to catch!
awesome performances by the entire cast! there was hardly a flaw in the entire movie. i just merely found saturn to be kinda fake. but maybe thats how saturn is really supposed to look like. i mean, have you seen saturn from that angle? if you have, you probably have no idea where to draw the line between your world of unicorns and the world of ERP. basic gist of the plot is about time travel and the space-time continuum. and i too was concerned about whether i would make heads or tails of JJ's latest. but basically, you have the whole movie revolving around this so you pretty much wont get lost.
things i LOVEEEE: the details that goes into the direction, the lens flare and stuff. the cast: harold as sulu, simon pegg as the hilarious scotty. the awesome dialog. the references to the original tv series. so beautiful! i so wanna watch this again!
i caught this one over at the grand cathay over the weekend. and it was a grand experience for me and me maties. seeing the curtains part was a delicious appetizer before getting the main course.
and now we wait for transformers 2 and terminator 4.
Posted by
1:35 AM
movie Review: trekking the stars and beyond
movie review|star trek|

movie review,
star trek
Movie Review: a mutant pool, deadpool?
so many corny lines in the movie on how they try to justify the codenames for the characters. caught this one yesterday over at the plaza sing. its kinda stinky that the entire cathay organisation doesnt screen this. so cant catch this bugger at the cathay, if u didnt know by now, my fav cinema.
Wolverine origins is a cut n paste job on years developing the character. even the wolverine kid and the logan as a nickname was only recently written cause wolverine was always meant to have a mysterious past. and you can see Frank Miller's run on the character with the line "i m the best at what i do. but what i do isnt very nice". sucky thing is now that sabretooth is his brother. and how can they say it ties nicely with the other x men movies when suddenly the sabretooth in the x men movie is nothing more than a douche? sure gavin hood is an award winning director picked by hugh jackman. but the lack of detail also kinda pissed me off. like, the part where weapon XI laser rips out the entire nuclear reactor they are standing on, the blast somwhow fails to penetrate through the others though it makes contact. and i didnt like emma frost. shes the hottie who is the white queen and replaces jean grey's spot in cyclops heart. so why is she so ugly? i like the little tidbit that there was a minor team up between her and cyclops. but the diamond effect is so fugly!
deadpool was hilarious and awesome is what ever short time he had on screen. notice how i said deadpool and not weapon XI bullshit. it started out okay and it all went to hell towards the end. wolverine or x men 3? i m not sure which is better. on 1 hand you have brett ratner and on the other, you have this pile of action crap. and yes, i saw all the glitchy scenes which you have claws on wolverine's hand on one scene and in the next, its gone. LOL! it really is sucky. and looks like my wait for the paying cgi enhanced version is worth it afterall. nevertheless, i just hope that the next wolverine sequel (which is highly possible) wil be much better without the messy display of random mutants.
oh yeah, and theres two version of endings after the movie. in between the credits, you get wiliam stryker following silverfox's command. and WAIT till after the credits roll for: Wolverine in a Jap Bar! or Deadpool stil alive and TALKING! wahahah! classic. too bad i got to see the wolverine version. Seeing deadpool on the big screen is deffinitely so much better. and i m not sure if singapore's other theatres show the deadpool version and i m not looking forward to enduring another 2 hours just to check. so heres the bad qulaity video of the deadpool ending:
and after THIS, it has been confirmed!
Deadpool will be getting his own movie! thats the best thing to come out from this movie i guess. has this to say:
he newly confirmed Deadpool film, which would be produced by Lauren Shuler Donner and Marvel, has Ryan Reynolds slated to star and would be a complete exploration of the character - his origins, his emergence as the Merc with the Mouth, and more!
Posted by
12:42 AM
Movie Review: a mutant pool, deadpool?
deadpool|hugh jackman|movie review|wolverine|x-men|x-men origins|x-men origins: wolverine|

hugh jackman,
movie review,
x-men origins,
x-men origins: wolverine
Thursday, April 30, 2009
At a glance: Alex Pardee
Snafu Comics is a webcomics site which serves as a home for several artist and their masterpieces. Theres a wide variety of art style and definitely something for everyone.
but for me, i m just there to discover, the awesomeness that is alex pardee! so i bumped to my friend's DA. and she has good taste. and Alex Pardee was on her Fav artist list. so i had ta check him out. guy's work looks like a demented James Jean mash with good ol jhonen vasquez. and i freaking LOVE IT! =D
wikied the bugger too. scary guy. did time in an asylum. cites it as one of his inspiration. wicked!
okay, without further ado, heres his artwork on Snafu Comics, its called, bunnywith. it features a bunny with something different everytime. Its a RIOT!

Bunnywith Demon!
but for me, i m just there to discover, the awesomeness that is alex pardee! so i bumped to my friend's DA. and she has good taste. and Alex Pardee was on her Fav artist list. so i had ta check him out. guy's work looks like a demented James Jean mash with good ol jhonen vasquez. and i freaking LOVE IT! =D
wikied the bugger too. scary guy. did time in an asylum. cites it as one of his inspiration. wicked!
okay, without further ado, heres his artwork on Snafu Comics, its called, bunnywith. it features a bunny with something different everytime. Its a RIOT!
Bunnywith Demon!
Posted by
11:54 PM
At a glance: Alex Pardee
alex pardee|at a glance|snafu comics|

alex pardee,
at a glance,
snafu comics
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
movie review: Friday the 13th on Sat the 25th
hah! really bad title for the post. but best i could think of in regard to my busy schedule. so i caught this little movie over the weekend over hearing the great reviews and such. and i sure enjoyed peeing myself dry.
its generally an alright movie. at times a little too predictable and cliche. and not watching the original friday the 13th movies, i dont know exactly how accurately jason was potrayed here. but this new jason sure packs a mean retardation! theres plenty of kills and ingenius ways to kill and not to mention the best treat for all horror fans: BOOBIES!
jason is a retarded kid who comes back to life after his mom, who went on a murdering spree to kill those she felt was responsible for her son's death, was killed. yup, that whole sentence by right, just doesnt make sense. however, i shall be annoying and say, by left, its the actual origin of our favourite jason voorhees. and so he just continues what he mother had set out to do and he does it in style!
the downside:
I was pretty much buggered to no end with questions: why jason cant die? wtf is he? however at least, unlike the knowing, they didnt just fucking whack it and made it out to be such that he was a fucking alien! it pretty much was left ambiguous and i think its better that way. but the ending was a no brainer. and why should the freaking lead stay till dawnbreak to dump the bastard in the sodding river? the bastard just killed a whole lotta people and i would get the f out of there at the first chance i get. or at the very least, just call the cops. so i guess it was kinda sloppy here and there.
the upside:
like previously mentioned, there plenty kills even before the title sequece is done. and plenty more once the movie gets going! major boobage is included and basically, horror fans will get their kicks. drag your pussy friends along and watch them cower under anything they can find and yank it away from them when jason appears!
Posted by
1:12 AM
movie review: Friday the 13th on Sat the 25th
FRIDAY THE 13TH|Jason voorhees|movie review|

Jason voorhees,
movie review
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
FCBD 09: the arrival
FCBD is this saturaday! so get your asses down to rochor centre. thats rigth, rochor! not bras basah! i guess they finally got sick of the obscene name. they even changed the information at the FCBD site. thats commitment, people!
they have some gay policies! but best to adhere to em or else you wont get any goodies.
Our FCBD Policies:
G & B T-shirt wearing member: SPECIAL GIFT!
Members: 10 FREE COMICS*
Non members/ public: 5 FREE COMICS*
*additional copies can be obtained at S$1 outside allocation.
Membership can be signed up on hand to enjoy MEMBERS PRIVILEGES.
well, come down and get your free copies. i sure will!
have a blasting weekend!
Posted by
10:15 PM
FCBD 09: the arrival

GNB Comics
Monday, April 27, 2009
Comics i read this week!: April 26
From the library to unsuspecting book stores, and basically anywhere i can hitch a read, these are the comics fortunate enough to be read this week:
Road to Perdition

a good crime novel about one man's crusade to avenge his family murdered by the mob. theres sorta history reference and everything, but i didnt check to see if they were accurate. so i shall take the writers word that its all historically true. and i still dont get why the head poncho wanted lead in the lead. a little predictable and still i find history of violence to be superior. (not that its by the same writer or anything. but its more or less the same size and its sorta like a thriller read.) read it at one go due to its gripping tale and despite having other shit to do. i m suprised that tom hanks played the lead role of the dad. its currently 7.8 at imdb. havent check out the movie but definitely will if i have the chance.
its generally a great read for people, and maybe to those who cried when the Sopranos ended.

Superman: Escape from Bizarro World

eric powell geof johns and richard donner. what an incredible line up. you know you cant go wrong here. its gonna be incredible or at least an okay read. and basically, its an okay read. just a simple tale and fun interpretations of the opposites speeches of the bizarros. flash is fat and slow. batman is happy. green lantern is part of the sinestro corps. like what the hell! HAH! it also includes three other tales of Bizarro's appearance in Superman Golden age comics. even more wtf than the main story.
great to practise your reverse psychology with.


currently reading Popgun vol 2 as my personal toilet companion, stay tuned for next weeks, Comics i read this week!
Road to Perdition
a good crime novel about one man's crusade to avenge his family murdered by the mob. theres sorta history reference and everything, but i didnt check to see if they were accurate. so i shall take the writers word that its all historically true. and i still dont get why the head poncho wanted lead in the lead. a little predictable and still i find history of violence to be superior. (not that its by the same writer or anything. but its more or less the same size and its sorta like a thriller read.) read it at one go due to its gripping tale and despite having other shit to do. i m suprised that tom hanks played the lead role of the dad. its currently 7.8 at imdb. havent check out the movie but definitely will if i have the chance.
its generally a great read for people, and maybe to those who cried when the Sopranos ended.
Superman: Escape from Bizarro World
eric powell geof johns and richard donner. what an incredible line up. you know you cant go wrong here. its gonna be incredible or at least an okay read. and basically, its an okay read. just a simple tale and fun interpretations of the opposites speeches of the bizarros. flash is fat and slow. batman is happy. green lantern is part of the sinestro corps. like what the hell! HAH! it also includes three other tales of Bizarro's appearance in Superman Golden age comics. even more wtf than the main story.
great to practise your reverse psychology with.
currently reading Popgun vol 2 as my personal toilet companion, stay tuned for next weeks, Comics i read this week!
Posted by
5:48 PM
Comics i read this week!: April 26
comic review|comics this week|popgun|road to perdition|superman|superman: escape from bizarro world|

comic review,
comics this week,
road to perdition,
superman: escape from bizarro world
NYTimes weekly bestseller's list: April 18
Got to know bout this from Dustin Nguyen's DA journal, here are this week's top 10 list of graphic novels as released by new york times!
Graphic Books Best Seller List (Hardcover)
1 WATCHMEN, by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. (DC Comics, $39.99 and $75.) This epic tale from 1986 signaled a new maturity in comic books.
2 BATMAN: R.I.P., by Grant Morrison and Tony Daniel. (DC Comics, $24.99.) Thomas Wayne, the father of the caped crusader, is cast in a sinister light.
3 BATMAN: THE KILLING JOKE, by Alan Moore and Brian Bolland. (DC Comics, $17.99.) This critically acclaimed story from 1988 offers a possible origin for the Joker.
4 JOKER, by Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo. (DC Comics, $19.99.) The Joker, newly released from Arkham Asylum, deals with the rivals who have carved into his territory.
5 BATMAN: HEART OF HUSH, by Paul Dini and Dustin Nguyen. (DC Comics, $19.99.) A childhood friend of Bruce Wayne returns to plague the caped crusader anew – and Catwoman is caught in the middle.
6 THE DRESDEN FILES: WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE, by Jim Butcher and Ardian Syaf. (Random House, $19.95.) This comic book collection is a prequel to the Dresden Files series of novels, which are part fantasy and part noir.
7 MARVEL ZOMBIES 3, by Fred Van Lente and Kev Walker. (Marvel Entertainment, $19.99.) Zombie-versions of the Marvel heroes encounter their non-flesh-eating counterparts.
8 CIVIL WAR, by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven. (Marvel Entertainment, $39.99.) A government registration act pits the heroes of the Marvel heroes against each other.
9 ALL-STAR SUPERMAN, VOL. 2, by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely. (DC Comics, $19.99.) These stories, free of the barnacles of continuity, include an encounter with Zibarro, the only sane resident of the Bizarro world.
10 SAGA OF SWAMP THING: BOOK 1, by Steve R. Bissette and Alan Moore. (Vertigo, $24.99.) The inspired reinvention of the classic horror character gets a new printing.

somehow, Watchmen managed to soar to no1 and leaves dusts in batman:RIP's eyes. Its just a pity that the artistic wonder and decent tale, Batman: the heart of hush, is making its descent.

Glad to see the SAGA OF THE SWAMP THING making it to the top 10. its a much overlooked classic. i might pick this up just to FINALLY read up on the 1st volume of the trade series.

i wanna read marvel zombies 3! heard nothing but praise. and it looks good though its a pity that the series differs a little from the orignal 1 and 2.

and why is Civil war suddenly even on this week's list? Its such a freaky coincidence that i just got my copy just last week too.
what a difference a consumer makesss. 30++ little dollars.... (i got the huge book with the script and what not as a gift. awesome!) my friend got me the book at Kinokuniya in Singapore. but still, somehow, it makes a difference. dont ask why.
Graphic Books Best Seller List (Paperback)
1 WATCHMEN, by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. (DC Comics, $19.99.) This epic tale from 1986 signaled a new maturity in comic books.
2 STAR TREK: COUNTDOWN, by J.J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman and Robert Orci. (IDW, $17.99.) This prequel to the “Star Trek” reboot will reveal the backstory of Nero, the new film’s villain.
3 A DRIFTING LIFE, by Yoshihiro Tatsumi. (Drawn & Quarterly, $29.95.) This 840-page memoir chronicles family troubles and the evolution of manga from 1945 to 1960.
4 WOLVERINE: ORIGIN, by Paul Jenkins and Andy Kubert. (Marvel Comics, $16.99.) Revealed at last: the secret history of the mutant known as Wolverine.
5 V FOR VENDETTA, by Alan Moore, K. C. Carlson and David Lloyd. (DC Comics, $19.99.) A vigilante tries to free London in a world where Germany won World War II.
6 WALKING DEAD, VOL. 9, by Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard. (Image Comics, $14.99.) The gripping story of the human survivors in a world overrun by zombies continues.
7 BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, by Frank Miller. (DC Comics, $14.99.) Another classic from 1986: The caped crusader comes out of retirement to save Gotham City from a depraved street gang that are more monsters than man.
8 SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE UNIVERSE, by Bryan Lee O’Malley. (Oni Press, $11.95.) Can Ramona’s twin ex-boyfriends be defeated? Sounds like a job for… Scott Pilgrim.
9 BATMAN: THE LONG HALLOWEEN, by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale. (DC Comics,$19.99.) This compelling mystery, set early in the Caped Crusader’s career, has mobsters, the sad downfall of Harvey Dent (Two Face) and a new foe: Holiday.
10 WOLVERINE: WEAPON X, by Barry Windsor-Smith. (Marvel Entertainment, $16.99.) This story, from 1991, delved into the mysterious origin of the fan-favorite mutant.

WATCHMEN AGAIN? this bugger is really something. and i still have not caught the black freighter. shall parasitically await my friend to get their hands on it! its currently 7.3 on imdb. so it shouldnt be sucky!

IDW published,Star trek: countdown, is out at the comic store i visited! crap! cant wait to get my hands on this. mostly good reveiws for this except for some critics claiming the aliens (i know nuts bout this shit) to be out of character. if i m not wrong, i think its the one called spocky.
heres the comic's interpretation of eric bana's character, Nebo's bastard son, Nero!

Scott pilgrim is in the TOP 8 so get your copy of the entire series! it will fulfill your sad life reading Comic Book Rejects.
this weeks list also contains a link that brings us to IDW's preview of Darwyn cooke's latest project : the hunter. needless to say, Darwyn is one of my favourite writers and illustrators. though i must admit that i got on the bandwagon after the new frontier. but cutting the chit chat, heres the awesome preview.

i will be getting this when it launches but no harm treating my eyes to some visual splendor. Cooke has been a decent storyteller and not only his art but also his graphic designs have always amazed me. and his specialized 80's art style really gives this book a classic feel. i m so anticipating this! dont forget to get your copy when it hits stores in july! BOOYA!
Graphic Books Best Seller List (Hardcover)
1 WATCHMEN, by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. (DC Comics, $39.99 and $75.) This epic tale from 1986 signaled a new maturity in comic books.
2 BATMAN: R.I.P., by Grant Morrison and Tony Daniel. (DC Comics, $24.99.) Thomas Wayne, the father of the caped crusader, is cast in a sinister light.
3 BATMAN: THE KILLING JOKE, by Alan Moore and Brian Bolland. (DC Comics, $17.99.) This critically acclaimed story from 1988 offers a possible origin for the Joker.
4 JOKER, by Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo. (DC Comics, $19.99.) The Joker, newly released from Arkham Asylum, deals with the rivals who have carved into his territory.
5 BATMAN: HEART OF HUSH, by Paul Dini and Dustin Nguyen. (DC Comics, $19.99.) A childhood friend of Bruce Wayne returns to plague the caped crusader anew – and Catwoman is caught in the middle.
6 THE DRESDEN FILES: WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE, by Jim Butcher and Ardian Syaf. (Random House, $19.95.) This comic book collection is a prequel to the Dresden Files series of novels, which are part fantasy and part noir.
7 MARVEL ZOMBIES 3, by Fred Van Lente and Kev Walker. (Marvel Entertainment, $19.99.) Zombie-versions of the Marvel heroes encounter their non-flesh-eating counterparts.
8 CIVIL WAR, by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven. (Marvel Entertainment, $39.99.) A government registration act pits the heroes of the Marvel heroes against each other.
9 ALL-STAR SUPERMAN, VOL. 2, by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely. (DC Comics, $19.99.) These stories, free of the barnacles of continuity, include an encounter with Zibarro, the only sane resident of the Bizarro world.
10 SAGA OF SWAMP THING: BOOK 1, by Steve R. Bissette and Alan Moore. (Vertigo, $24.99.) The inspired reinvention of the classic horror character gets a new printing.
somehow, Watchmen managed to soar to no1 and leaves dusts in batman:RIP's eyes. Its just a pity that the artistic wonder and decent tale, Batman: the heart of hush, is making its descent.
Glad to see the SAGA OF THE SWAMP THING making it to the top 10. its a much overlooked classic. i might pick this up just to FINALLY read up on the 1st volume of the trade series.
i wanna read marvel zombies 3! heard nothing but praise. and it looks good though its a pity that the series differs a little from the orignal 1 and 2.
and why is Civil war suddenly even on this week's list? Its such a freaky coincidence that i just got my copy just last week too.
what a difference a consumer makesss. 30++ little dollars.... (i got the huge book with the script and what not as a gift. awesome!) my friend got me the book at Kinokuniya in Singapore. but still, somehow, it makes a difference. dont ask why.
Graphic Books Best Seller List (Paperback)
1 WATCHMEN, by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. (DC Comics, $19.99.) This epic tale from 1986 signaled a new maturity in comic books.
2 STAR TREK: COUNTDOWN, by J.J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman and Robert Orci. (IDW, $17.99.) This prequel to the “Star Trek” reboot will reveal the backstory of Nero, the new film’s villain.
3 A DRIFTING LIFE, by Yoshihiro Tatsumi. (Drawn & Quarterly, $29.95.) This 840-page memoir chronicles family troubles and the evolution of manga from 1945 to 1960.
4 WOLVERINE: ORIGIN, by Paul Jenkins and Andy Kubert. (Marvel Comics, $16.99.) Revealed at last: the secret history of the mutant known as Wolverine.
5 V FOR VENDETTA, by Alan Moore, K. C. Carlson and David Lloyd. (DC Comics, $19.99.) A vigilante tries to free London in a world where Germany won World War II.
6 WALKING DEAD, VOL. 9, by Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard. (Image Comics, $14.99.) The gripping story of the human survivors in a world overrun by zombies continues.
7 BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, by Frank Miller. (DC Comics, $14.99.) Another classic from 1986: The caped crusader comes out of retirement to save Gotham City from a depraved street gang that are more monsters than man.
8 SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE UNIVERSE, by Bryan Lee O’Malley. (Oni Press, $11.95.) Can Ramona’s twin ex-boyfriends be defeated? Sounds like a job for… Scott Pilgrim.
9 BATMAN: THE LONG HALLOWEEN, by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale. (DC Comics,$19.99.) This compelling mystery, set early in the Caped Crusader’s career, has mobsters, the sad downfall of Harvey Dent (Two Face) and a new foe: Holiday.
10 WOLVERINE: WEAPON X, by Barry Windsor-Smith. (Marvel Entertainment, $16.99.) This story, from 1991, delved into the mysterious origin of the fan-favorite mutant.
WATCHMEN AGAIN? this bugger is really something. and i still have not caught the black freighter. shall parasitically await my friend to get their hands on it! its currently 7.3 on imdb. so it shouldnt be sucky!
IDW published,Star trek: countdown, is out at the comic store i visited! crap! cant wait to get my hands on this. mostly good reveiws for this except for some critics claiming the aliens (i know nuts bout this shit) to be out of character. if i m not wrong, i think its the one called spocky.
heres the comic's interpretation of eric bana's character, Nebo's bastard son, Nero!
Scott pilgrim is in the TOP 8 so get your copy of the entire series! it will fulfill your sad life reading Comic Book Rejects.
this weeks list also contains a link that brings us to IDW's preview of Darwyn cooke's latest project : the hunter. needless to say, Darwyn is one of my favourite writers and illustrators. though i must admit that i got on the bandwagon after the new frontier. but cutting the chit chat, heres the awesome preview.
i will be getting this when it launches but no harm treating my eyes to some visual splendor. Cooke has been a decent storyteller and not only his art but also his graphic designs have always amazed me. and his specialized 80's art style really gives this book a classic feel. i m so anticipating this! dont forget to get your copy when it hits stores in july! BOOYA!
Posted by
4:27 PM
NYTimes weekly bestseller's list: April 18
batman heart of hush|batman rip|civil war|darwyn cooke|Marvel zombies|marvel zombies 3|scott pilgrim|star trek|swamp thing|the hunter|watchmen|

batman heart of hush,
batman rip,
civil war,
darwyn cooke,
Marvel zombies,
marvel zombies 3,
scott pilgrim,
star trek,
swamp thing,
the hunter,
Saturday, April 25, 2009
x-men Origins: Wolverine: one scene
so i have been biased about my opinions regarding this film but whoa! this is enough to make me at least anticipate it a little.
i was right not to have seen the jialat version of the movie. and from my friends who watched it, they said that story-wise, it was merely so-so (afterall, what else can they judge? graphics?)
and i guess i ll just expect a helluva rollercoaster ride from the good ol runt!
and as reminded by MSN for no apparent reason, X-men Origins: Wolverine hits theatres next thursday!
Posted by
4:53 AM
x-men Origins: Wolverine: one scene
wolverine|x-men|x-men origins|x-men origins: wolverine|

x-men origins,
x-men origins: wolverine
Vs the world goes up!
Scott Pilgrim Vs the World movie site is up!!! WHOOP DEE DOO!
yes, please keep a look out for this awesome movie that is due for greatness despite not having even making past the production stage. yet.
site has nothing of importance there really. but the cool fact that its up is something to squeal at.
and as always, check out
edgar wright here (or edgar wrigh there) for the directors daily updates.
and RADIOMARU, bryan O malley, the creator's site.
check, check, check, check, check it out!
Marvel Randomness
so marvel turns 70 this year and the have this Marvel's top 70 thingy, which you can vote for your favourite character/ comic cover/ bla bla bla.
but for me the really cool thing about the site is the daily random facts thingamajig which they call, the FACTUM FACTORUM!!!!
heres some random trivia for the month of april:
Robert Downey Jr. better known as Tony Stark who is even better know as IRON MAN, has his birthday on April 4th
Jeniffer Garner, AKA Elektra in both films, Daredevil and Elektra has her birthday (the original one, not the brought back to life ones) on April 17th!
Jessica Alba, the stripping invisible woman, was born on April 28!
are you freaking kidding me, three superheroes to make the big screen born within the same month. its like the babies born in the month of April has this strong connection to comics. random randomness!
Marvel's create your own superhero site has been nominated for the 09's webby awards.
the webby is an award for cool things on the web. hence, webby. just like the home world of the skrulls is skrullos. very imaginative.
create your own superhero!
and they need your votes to get it. and you can do so by:
1. Visit
2. Please note that you will have to register before you can vote.
3. When you get to the voting page, navigate to “Living” > then “Youth” to find 360i/Marvel.
Marvel states that since Spiderman is their no1 character, its only fitting they deserve the webby.
well, we'll know soon enough since their results are usually mid-year.
Heres my superhero bitches!
the DoucheyMoneyBaggs!!
so it seems i have been mispronouncing Namor all the while. like who would know its "Neigh-more"? i've always called him Nah more! seems more garang that way! Imperius Rex!!!
and the galactus bust is freaking awesome! basically, anything you do with galactus is always awesome. god bless you, jack kirby! its a whopping 2 feet! and comes with Silver Surfer for you to toss around, which is great since you cant do anything with the galactus bust but just to stare at it.
and lastly, the hot toys toys are incredible. i love the detail that goes into them. Its amazing what simple LEDs can do to make toys seem all the more realistic! love the robert downey likeness. they should do one with him in his singlet and with his metal heart thingy! so we can happily dissect him and see what really makes tony stark tick.
Posted by
2:55 AM
Marvel Randomness
games|geek-lactus|marvel 70|toys|Webby Awards|

marvel 70,
Webby Awards
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